Friday 18 April 2014


Statistics from the health ministry revealed that between 2008 and 2011 a total of 20,626 drug addicts underwent rehabilitation in various centres. Another 800 victims affected by heroin are undergoing rehabilitation at Muhimbili and Mwananyamala centres.  These statistics show how Tanzania has not been spared from the effects of alcohol and drug abuse. There are a number of effects due to alcohol and drug abuse.

On 23rd May 2013, it was reported in the Daily News (Tanzania) that 25 per cent of males in Tanzania consume excessive alcohol, while the rate of females stood at 13.4 per cent. Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services, Dr. Seif Rashid said evidence suggests substance abuse in Tanzania is a growing public health problem.

According to a research conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), from February to October last year, Step Survey on Non Communicable Diseases Risk Factors, the findings showed that 26.8 to 31.8 per cent of Tanzanians consume alcohol.

On other hand the war against drugs faces a major challenge following an alarming increase in trafficking and abuse. According to statistics released by the Anti-Drugs Commission, while three kilogrammes of heroin were impounded in 2008, the amount has risen to 265.54kilos by 2011. Impounded cocaine increased from four kilos to 128.30 kilogrammes during the same period.

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